
General Page Media

Jazmin Camchong
Neuromodulation Researcher, Assistant Professor — Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Matthew Chafee
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor — Neuroscience
Wei Chen
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor — Radiology/CMRR
Christine Conelea
Neuromodulation Researcher, Associate Professor — Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Masonic Institute for the Developing Brain
Katie Cullen
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor — Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Emad Ebbini
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor — Electrical & Computer Engineering
Timothy Ebner
Chair — MnDRIVE Brain Conditions Steering Committee, Department Head & Professor — Neuroscience
Stephen Engel
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor — Psychology
Geoffrey Ghose
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor — Neuroscience, Psychology & Radiology
Noam Harel
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor — Radiology/CMRR
Alexander Herman
Neuromodulation Researcher, Assistant Professor — Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Matt Johnson
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor — Biomedical Engineering
Suhasa Kodandaramaiah
Neuromodulation Researcher, Assistant Professor — Mechanical Engineering
Juergen Konczak
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor — Kinesiology
Catherine Kotz
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor — Integrative Biology & Physiology
Vipin Kumar
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor & Head — Computer Science & Engineering
Kelvin Lim
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor — Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Hubert Lim
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor — Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery
Angus MacDonald III
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor — Psychology
Colum MacKinnon
Neuromodulation Researcher, Associate Professor — Neurology
Karen Mesce
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor — Entomology & Neuroscience
Shalom Michaeli
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor — Radiology
Ziad Nahas
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor & Vice Chair for Clinical Affairs — Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Peggy Nelson
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor — Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
Tay Netoff
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor — Biomedical Engineering
Harry Orr
Director & Professor — Institute for Translational Neuroscience | Laboratory Medicine & Pathology
John Osborn
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor, Director of Graduate Studies — Integrative Biology & Physiology
Giuseppe Pellizzer
Neuromodulation Researcher, Associate Professor — Minneapolis VA Hospital, Neuroscience
David Redish
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor — Neuroscience
Daniel Schmidt
Neuromodulation Researcher, Assistant Professor — Genetics, Cell Biology & Development
Alena Talkachova
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor — Biomedical Engineering
Mark Thomas
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor — Neuroscience
Paul Tuite
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor — Neurology
Kamil Ugurbil
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor — Radiology/CMRR
Sophia Vinogradov
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor, Head — Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Jerry Vitek
Neuromodulation Researcher, Professor & Head — Neurology
Zhi Yang
Neuromodulation Researcher, Associate Professor — Biomedical Engineering