Current Events

General Page Media

Current Events


CNE Seminar Series

At any time there are no seminars scheduled for the summer. The fall and spring semester seminar schedule will be posted in a couple of months.
You can view the schedule on the webpage from the CNE website:  If at any time you cannot find the seminar zoom, it will always be streamed at regardless of the speaker.
If you plan on attending the seminar in-person, lunch will be provided at 12:45pm. Please remember to fill out the lunch request that will come out with the weekly announcements.

Ongoing Events:

Herman and Darrow

Tune into the Craniotomy Podcast!

Peering into the minds of those on the edge of cognition and neuromodulation.

MnDRIVE Brain Conditions Neuromodulation researchers, Drs. David Darrow (scholar) and Alexander Herman (researcher) have put an amazing podcast together focused on neuromodulation. They have invited guest speakers for each episode.  

Check out their Craniotomy podcast below:

Herman Darrow Lab Craniotomy Podcast

Subscribe to the Podcast

Herman Darrow Lab


NeuroTech Course



Learn more about the NeuroTech Course:

NeuroTech Course