Award duration and amount: one year, up to $70,000 for stipend, benefits (and tuition in the case of student trainees)
Fellowships to start in the summer (after July 1) or fall of 2018
Deadline to Apply is May 4, 2018
Recipients will be notified by early June, 2018
Innovation through Collaboration
The University of Minnesota announces this year's industry-focused trainee fellowship program in Neuromodulation, the 2018-2019 Discoveries through Industry Partnerships award. Awards are funded by the Brain Conditions core area of the MnDRIVE (Minnesota Discovery, Research and InnoVation Economy) initiative. Fellowships will be awarded to an outstanding individual trainee or trainee team that has a translational and neuromodulation-focused research topic with high commercial potential and a strong collaboration with an industry partner. This funding is intended to equip trainees with unique ‘seed’ funds and foster University-industry collaborations that seek to deliver neuromodulation discoveries and innovations with high commercial potential.
Neuromodulation is an emerging transdisciplinary field focused on treating neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders with technological interventions at an appropriate neural interface that provides a therapeutic response and is non-destructive, reversible, and adjustable. Neuromodulation research integrates basic science, engineering, and clinical disciplines to yield new insights into brain function and develop therapeutic innovations that include electrical, magnetic, optogenetic, and ultrasound technologies. Bringing such innovations to patients leverages different researcher skill sets and partnerships that are essential to accomplish the “Bench to Bedside” goal.
Academic-industry partnerships have been essential building blocks for the commercial medical device and drug therapies industry. Many such innovations are very historic between the University of Minnesota and what is now the surrounding Medical Alley health technology industry ( As traditional funding climates change, the ability to foster strong relations between the University and Industry partners becomes more important to the future of medical research and innovation. Trainees able to identify translational research questions and successfully partner with industry will be uniquely prepared to advance neuromodulation therapies for brain conditions. This fellowship is intended provide trainees with a valuable opportunity to develop their career and skills, and strengthen industry investment in the expertise and resources the University and MnDRIVE have to offer in bringing neuromodulation therapies to patients in need.
MnDRIVE is a landmark partnership between the University and the state of Minnesota. Discoveries and treatments for brain conditions, a MnDRIVE core area of research and partnership, addresses complex and debilitating brain-related disorders by leveraging university and state investments in medicine and engineering and extending our vibrant partnerships with medical device industries in Minnesota. For more information about the MnDRIVE core area of Discoveries and treatments for brain conditions, go to: For more information on MnDRIVE please visit:
We seek outstanding trainees* (masters/PhD students, Postdoctoral fellows, Medical Residents, Clinical Fellows, Medical Device Innovation fellows) or trainee teams who will work collaboratively with an industry partner on a neuromodulation-related project with high commercial potential. Selection will be based on the strength of the applicant’s academic records and work history, relevance of the proposed research to neuromodulation, evidence of past productivity in research or industry, alignment of the training experience with the goals of the MnDRIVE initiative, project quality, commercialization potential, and strength of the industry partnership.
Trainees must be affiliated with the University of Minnesota and mentored by a University of Minnesota faculty for the duration of the award period.
The University of Minnesota is an affirmative action/equal opportunity educator and employer.
There are three parts to the application, all must be completed no later than May 4, 2018.
Part 1. Online fellowship application form Applicant should complete this online fellowship application form no later than May 4, 2018. The application requires the following, (uploaded as a single PDF, no smaller than 11 pt font and 0.5 in margins):
1. A PROJECT COVER SHEET with the following:
- PROJECT TITLE (limit = 350 characters with spaces). Applicant name and contact information (telephone, email address) Contact information of University of Minnesota faculty mentor (this is the faculty mentor under whom the applicant will work should s/he receive a fellowship award) - name, phone, email, position, department. Names and contact information of the two individuals who will write LETTERS of SUPPORT on behalf of the applicant.
- STATEMENT of PROJECT SIGNIFICANCE. Please provide a general statement of the PROJECT'S SIGNIFICANCE - 1 to 3 sentences (limit = 500 characters with spaces) in language appropriate for the general public, for example: Dr. Smith's patient-centered research will lead to improved treatment for the critical motor symptoms of Parkinson's Disease.
- STATEMENT of the potential of the fellowship experience and deliverables to contribute to the health and quality of life of the citizens of MINNESOTA and/or the economic vitality of the state - 1 to 3 sentences (limit 500 characters with spaces). Use language that is appropriate for the general public.
2. TRAINING EXPERIENCE NARRATIVE (limit = 1.5 pages) that includes a succinct description of the research project, describes the applicant's role in the project, tells how the research will advance the field of neuromodulation, tells how it aligns with MnDRIVE goals, and explains how obtaining this fellowship will benefit your career aspirations. Applicants who were previously awarded a MnDRIVE Fellowship should also include a brief summary of the progress and success to date on their MnDRIVE fellowship.
3. OPTIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION for TRAINING EXPERIENCE NARRATIVE. The applicant may submit the following OPTIONAL information: One image containing up to two graphs or diagrams to support the TRAINING EXPERIENCE NARRATIVE and one page of bibliographic references (following the training experience narrative).
4. TIMELINE with KEY MILESTONES and DELIVERABLE(S): Upload a TRAINING EXPERIENCE TIMELINE with KEY MILESTONES in the award period, and, in 1 or 2 sentences, clearly state the TRAINING EXPERIENCE DELIVERABLE(S) expected at the end of the award period (limit = 1/2 page).
5. INDUSTRY PARTNER: Identify the industry partner and clearly describe the nature of the collaboration on the project, the collaborator's role and expected specific contributions to the project (limit = 1000 characters with spaces).
6. COMMERCIALIZATION POTENTIAL: Discuss the commercial potential for the project. Applicants should:
- Describe their minimum viable product
- Identify their customer segments
- State the value proposition
Applicants should include a description of any specific research they have done, or evidence they have gathered that supports the assertion the project has high commercial potential (e.g., customer validation interviews with physicians at the U or in the community, other market analysis, etc.) (limit = 1 page).
7. PATHWAY to COMMERCIALIZATION: Describe how the project deliverables fit into a pathway to commercialization for a neuromodulation-related product or patient therapy, and explain whether and how the work of the fellowship period will be shepherded through the next steps. The answer to this question should demonstrate that the applicant can see a reasonable path to commercialization, that work done in the fellowship period is necessary to the commercialization of a neuromodulation-product or therapy, and that there is a commitment to advancing the work completed in the fellowship period. (limit = 3/4 page)
8. RESEARCH SUPPORT: Applicants should 1) identify the department/center that will serve as their "research home", 2) describe the research support, including laboratory space, equipment, facilities and other physical resources they need to they will need to successfully complete their research and 3) explain how the University or industry partner will meet those research support needs. (1/2 page).
9.TEAM DESCRIPTION: Applicants who are part of a TEAM of two or more people who will share in the financial award of the fellowship will be required to upload an additional document that 1) describes the rationale for why more than one person will share the fellowship, 2) identifies the other team members who will share in the fellowship award and 3) describes the roles and contributions of each team member will make to the project/deliverables, and 4) indicates the proportion of effort each person on the team will contribute during the award period. (Limit - 3/4 page, font no smaller than 11 pt).
10. APPLICANT'S CURRENT CV (and CVs of TEAM members who will share in the award if applicable). Each CV should be NO LONGER THAN 2 PAGES (CVs longer than 2 pages will be omitted from the materials sent to reviewers).
Part 2. LETTERS OF SUPPORT from two professional references. Applicant should arrange for a LETTERS OF SUPPORT to be submitted by each of two references who can comment on the applicant’s qualifications to contribute to the project (each letter should be no longer than 2 pages). One letter should come from the industry partner, and the other from a professional reference who is not the academic mentor. Letter writers should submit letters by email to [email protected] no later than May 4, 2018.
Part 3. LETTER OF CONFIRMATION from U of M faculty mentor. The U of M faculty mentor should send a LETTER OF CONFIRMATION that identifies the applicant, states the project title and confirms that he or she will mentor the applicant during the award period should the applicant receive a fellowship (Letter of Confirmation should be no longer than 1/2 page). U of M faculty mentor should submit letter by email to [email protected] no later than May 4, 2018.