The University of Minnesota Informatics Institute MnDRIVE Graduate Assistantship program supports UMN PhD candidates pursuing research at the intersection of informatics and any of the five MnDRIVE areas: Robotics, Sensors and Advanced Manufacturing; Global Food Ventures; Advancing Industry, Conserving Our Environment; Discoveries and Treatments for Brain Conditions; and Cancer Clinical Trials.
The program aims to support approximately ten 12-month research assistantships for a 12-month (2 semesters and 1 summer), 50% graduate research assistantship, including tuition for up to 14 credits each semester (Fall & Spring) and subsidized health insurance through the Graduate Assistant Health Plan (contact department/unit accountant for current rates). Depending on the number of applicants and the availability of funding, smaller stipends may also be offered. Applications for assistantships may begin as early as the following Spring term and must be started by June 1 of the year following the submission of your application. Graduate students are expected to have successfully completed their preliminary oral exam by the start of the appointment. Depending on the availability of funding, awards may include up to $1,500 for travel to a conference or to defray costs for specialized training support if they are directly related to the proposed research. A final report of accomplishments made possible by this support is expected after the completion of this award.
Complete applications are due by October 4, 2022, 5:00 pm CT. Fellowship awards will be announced by the end of the calendar year. To submit an application and see detailed application instructions, see the MnDRIVE-UMII Informatics PhD Graduate Assistantship Program on the UMII Research Funding Portal. Note: You must log in with your UMN credentials (preferred) by selecting “UMN Login” from the Login dropdown, or create a SM Apply account to access the application.