Matthew Petrucci Receives Prestigious Award from Parkinson's Foundation


Matt Petrucci, PhD

New York and Miami

Announced August 8, 2017 on the Public Radio Newswire:

Matthew Petrucci, PhD, recent MnDRIVE Brain Conditions Postdoctoral Fellow in Neuromodulation, has been awarded the prestigious Parkinson’s Foundation-PSG (Parkinson’s Study Group) Mentored Clinical Research Award in the amount of $50,000 for his proposed study, “Automated Closed-looped Algorithm to Rapidly Optimize DBS Settings for PD”.

 Click here to read the full press release: Parkinson's Foundation-PSG Mentored Clinical Research Award

 Following the Parkinson’s Foundation award, Dr. Petrucci said, "I simply would not have received this award without my MnDRIVE fellowship. The research that I have performed during my MnDRIVE fellowship has laid the ground work for the proposed study of this PSG award.  Moreover, it brought me to University of Minnesota, where I have been able to join the amazing team of engineers, clinicians, and scientists focused on improving deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease. I am very grateful to be a part of it."

Dr. Colum MacKinnon who is the Director of the Movement Disorders Laboratory in the Department of Neurology is Dr. Petrucci's postdoctoral mentor at the University of Minnesota.

