Warmest welcome to our newest MnDRIVE Brain Conditions Leadership member, Dr. Daniel Guillaume in the Department of Neurosurgery! Dr. Guillaume’s primary research interest is focused on understanding the incidence and mechanism of hearing loss that occurs following CSF drainage in children. Anecdotal observations of hearing loss occurring in some patients after CSF shunts were placed for hydrocephalus, with reported rates as high as 83%, led us to investigate this further. In reviewing the audiologic data collected on children with medulloblastoma who received similar chemotherapy and radiation treatments, we measured an odds ratio for hearing loss with a shunt compared to no shunt of 23.49 (95% CI 4.21–131.15). Using audiological techniques, we are seeking to further understand the true prevalence of this condition in the population, the mechanism leading to this likely underreported event, and potential therapeutic options. Our other collaborative multicenter research projects are aimed at further understanding the pathophysiology and ideal therapies for Chiari malformations and syringomyelia.
Welcome, Daniel, to our team!